Banner Designer Pro v5.1.0.0 Full Patch

Banner Designer Pro v5.1.0.0 merupakan aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk memudahkan kita dalam membuat banner, di dalam Banner Designer Pro v5.1.0.0 ini sudah ada ratusan template yang dapat sobat blogger gunakan dan edit sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita.

System Requirements :

  • Intel® Pentium® processor 586Mhz or equivalent.
  • 512 MB of memory (RAM).
  • 35 MB of free hard disk space.
  • SVGA monitor with 256 colors and 800 x 600 pixel resolution.
  • Microsoft® Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
  • A Web connection is required for activation.
  • This product is licensed as a single product for a single system.
  • Intel® Pentium® processor 586Mhz or equivalent.
Features :
  • 400+ animated and static Background
  • Banner Rotator
  • Filters
  • Combine Multiple Banners
  • Import System Fonts
  • 4000 Symbols
  • Output in JPG,PNG,BMP,TIFF, PDF & AVI
  • Transparent Output in GIF & PNG
  • Output in GIF
  • Output in SWF & HTML
  • Transparent Output in SWF & HTML
  • Click Tag
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Download Banner Designer Pro v5.1.0.0 Full Patch (4shared)
Download Banner Designer Pro v5.1.0.0 Full Patch (Enterupload) ||

Xara Designer (Xara Xtreme) Pro v7.1.1.17261 Full Crack

Mencari aplikasi aplikasi Xara Xtreme?? Anda telah menemukannya!! Sekarang Xara Xtreme adalah Xara Photo & Graphic Designer dan Xara Xtreme Pro adalah Xara Designer Pro. Cekidot,,

Xara Designer merupakan aplikasi web-graphics yang powerfull dengan menggunakan vector ataupun bitmap images.
Xara Designer pro 7
Xtreme Xtreme Pro:
Professional features:

  • Xara3D 6 included
  • PDF / X export
  • RAW photo import
  • XPS support
  • Color separation support
  • PANTONE ® color support
  • Levels XPE plug-in
  • Multi-page documents
  • Short cut key configuration
General features:
  • Speed
  • Compatibility
  • Adobe Photoshop ® PSD import and export
  • Text handling
  • Direct Action Tools
  • Drag & drop
  • Solid object dragging
  • Undo / redo
  • Zoom
  • Anti-aliasing
  • Color support
  • Printing
  • PDF export
  • The Clipart Gallery
  • Bitmap Tracer
  • Profiles
  • Name gallery
  • Templates
Photo features:
  • Choice of Photo Editors
  • The XPE Photo Editor
  • Single click auto-enhance
  • Crop & Rotate
  • Red Eye Removal
  • Maintain photo quality
  • Magic undo
  • Third party plug-ins
  • Photo Compression
  • Advanced photo work
  • MAGIX Xtreme Photo Designer
Illustration features:
  • Drawing tools
  • Transparency
  • Blending
  • Feathering
  • ContoursBevels
  • Fills
  • Shadows
  • Brushes
  • Molds / envelopes
  • Text handling
  • ClipView
  • Pressure sensitivity
  • Live Effects
Web features:
  • Animated Flash Export
  • Navigation buttons
  • Flash export (. Swf)
  • Animation
  • Dreamweaver integration
  • Hexadecimal RGB web color
  • Image slicing
  • Image maps
  • Exporting and optimizing
  • Linked stretching
File Xara Xtreme (Xara Designer) ini total size filenya ialah sekitar 110 Mb. File saya pecah menjadi 5 buah part, silahkan download semua part kemudian gabungkan menggunakan aplikasi HJSplit.

Password :
Download Xara Designer (Xara Xtreme) Pro v7.1.1.17261 Full Crack :
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |

Posteriza - Software Buat Print Gambar Besar Dalam Beberapa Bagian

Beberapa hari yang lalu ada salah seorang teman bertanya "Ada tidak software buat cetak gambar yang besar (poster) kemudian diprint menggunakan printer ukuran standart?". Tentu jawabannya Ya! Tentu Ada. Penasaran bukan?? Langsung aja di cek,,

Mungkin sebagian sobat blogger ada yang masih bingung dengan pertanyaan di atas. Maksudnya begini sob, "teman saya itu ingin mencetak gambar yang besar dengan menggunakan printer biaya, tapi tau sendiri kan printer biasa paling hanya bisa mencetak ukuran max A4 saja, nah solusinya kita bisa menggunakan software yang bernama Posteriza untuk memecah gambar tersebut kedalam beberapa bagian (crop), misalnya di pecah menjadi 4 bagian dengan ukuran A4". Bagaimana?? Paham kan?? Hehehe
Cara menggunakan software Poteriza ini juga sangat mudah. Kira-kira ada 4 menu yang disediakn untuk memproses gambar.

  1. TEXT : Untuk menampilan teks pada gambar. Uncheck jika anda sudah menggunakan teks dalam gambar.
  2. PHOTO : Menampilan photo yang akan kita cetak atau proses.
  3. BORDER : Menampilan border (bingkai) pada gambar. Lakukan uncheck jika anda tidak menginginkan bingkai.
  4. SIZE : Di menu ini sobat blogger bisa menentukan gambar ingin di potong menjadi berapa bagian dan menentukan gambar ingin di cetak di kertas ukuran apa. Jika bingung, pilih auto aja
What's new in version 1.1?
  • Newer and improved translations: now 15 translations!
  • Expands the photo into the exact selected number of Improved support for vectorial files (.EMF)
  • More effective positioning text Better interface, more attractive
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Download Posteriza - Software Cetak Poster

AutoCAD 2010 Portable

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mencoba share aplikasi AutoCAD 2010 Portable. Silahkan langsung didownload.

Oiya, aplikasi ini dikirim oleh salah satu pengunjung remoxp via email, atas permintaan beliau maka aplikasi ini saya share di remoxp, dan kebetulan saya juga belum pernah share aplikasi AutoCad, jadi langsung aja saya share.

Buat pengjung remoxp yang punya koleksi software menarik dan belum pernah di share di remoxp, kirim aja via email, nanti akan saya coba share disini. Hehehe

autocad 2010
Size file AutoCAD 2010 Portable sekitar 180 Mb, namun saya pecah menjadi 3 bagian. Anda harus mendownload semua bagiannya, lalu join/gabungkan ketiga file tersebut menggunakan aplikasi FSJ - File splitter dan joiner.

INFO : Aplikasi sudah saya uji coba di windows 7 ultimate, dan berjalan dengan baik.

Password :
Part1 | Part2 | Part3 ||

Photocopier Pro 4.02 | Merubah Scanner Printer Menjadi Mesin Photo Copy

ngin membuka jasa photo copy tapi terhalang oleh biaya mesin photo copy yang lumayan besar?? Mungkin anda bisa mecoba aplikasi Photocopier Pro 4.02 Full Serial ini. Dengan aplikasi ini anda bisa merubah scanner dan printer anda layaknya sebuah mesin photo copy.

Aplikasi ini sangat rekomendasikan buat para pengunjung remoxp, terutama yang ingin mencoba bisnis di bidang photo copy. Rencananya saya juga akan menerapkan aplikasi ini di usaha keluarga, kebetulan di bidang photo copy juga usahanya, hehee.

Aplikasi ini saya coba di printer Canon MP258 multifungsi karena ada printer dan scanner, dan hasilnya berjalan dengan baik. Ketika saya klik copy di menu software Photocopier Pro 4.02, maka langsung saja scanner berjalan kemudian setelah selesai akan ada tmbol print. Lah, terus bedanya apa dengan tool bawaan scanner nya?? Pokoknya lebih praktis dengan tool bawaan scanner anda. Di coba, dan rasakan bedanya,, ehhehe.
Rincian program:
  • Membuat salinan hanya dengan menekan tombol Copy pada scanner Anda.
  • Mendapatkan preview dari gambar yang dipindai sebelum mulai mencetak. Memanipulasi (invert, mirror) gambar yang dipindai dari jendela pratinjau.
  • Memiliki kontrol yang lebih besar resolusi pindai.
  • Hapus bagian berlebihan dari gambar yang dipindai dengan Auto dan fungsi tanaman Manual.
  • Pilih perangkat pencitraan untuk digunakan. Nyaman ketika Anda memiliki kedua scanner dan kamera digital yang terpasang pada sistem anda.
  • Tentukan yang harus menggunakan fotokopi printer, tentukan printer terpisah untuk hitam dan putih, skala abu-abu dan salinan warna.
  • Instruksikan fotokopi untuk jeda sebelum mulai mencetak. Nyaman ketika Anda memiliki scanner dan printer terpasang pada sistem Anda melalui kotak saklar.
  • Menyimpan gambar hasil pindai dalam berbagai format grafis (JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF dll) dari jendela preview fotokopi itu.
  • A Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 system.
  • A scanner that complies with the Twain standard (most scanners do).
  • A printer installed in Windows.

Password :
Download Photocopier Pro 4.02 Full Serial ||

Free JCreator Pro 4.5 + Serial

JCreator?? Mungkin sobat blogger yang sudah lama bergelut dalam pemrograman java sudah tidak asing lagi dengan software java editor yang satu ini. Software ini bernama JCreator. JCreator merupakan salah satu software java editor yang mudah untuk digunakan. Sebenarnya masih banyak software java editor, tapi saya lebih suka menggunakan JCreator dibandingan dengan java editor yang lain nya. Alasan saya lebih suka menggunakan JCreator karena di kampus saya menggunakan JCreator, jadi saya lebih terbiasa menggunakan tools ini dibandingankan dengan NetBeans atau aplikasi yang lain nya. Selain itu JCreator juga lebih ringan untuk digunakan, tidak seperti NetBeans yang ukuran file nya mencapai ratusan megabyte, kalau JCreator hanya 5 MBan. Bedaaa jauh banget tapi kemampuan nggak kalah hebat sob. Heeheh

JCreator ada yang bersifat free dan pro, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan JCreator versi pro, Mengapa yang pro?? Karena yang pro memiliki fitur yang lebih complete dibandingakan dengan versi free nya. Tapi kalau sobat blogger mau mendownload yang free juga nggak apa-apa ko, kemampuan nggak beda jauh soalnya.

Oiya, fitur yang paling saya suka dari JCreator pro ini adalah fitur run otomatis, maksudnya begini sob, kalau kita menggunakan JCreator yang versi free pasti ketika kita nge run akan tampil halaman dos gitu, kalau yang versi pro beda sob, lebih enak pokonya. Hehee
Coba lihat saja di gambar berikut, (yang saya beri lingkaran merah merupakan hasil run)

Bagaimana??? Beda kan???
Bagi sobat blogger yang berminat, bisa langsung mendownloadnya di link yang saya sediakan dibawah. Oiya, sobat blogger udah punya Software Visual Basic belum?? kalau belum, download aja di postingan saya yang lalu tentang Free Download Visual Basic 6 Portable.

Sebelum menginstal JCreator, ada baiknya sobat blogger instal terlebih dahulu JDK (Kompiler) nya, setelah itu baru instal JCreator pro 4.5.

Download SUN J2SDK 1.6
Download JCreator Pro 4.5
Download Serial JCreator Pro

SQLite Maestro Full Crack

Buat sobat blogger yang sudah merequest aplikasi SQLite Maestro, silahkan langsung aja yah di cek, yang saya share ini memang bukan versi yang terbaru, tapi mudah-mudahan aja sesuai dengan sama yang di request. Cekidot,,

Oiya, saya belum yakin apakah crack berjalan dengan mulus atau tidak, soalnya pas saya test crack masih tetap muncul notifikasi 30 day left. Tapi tulisan unregistered nya sudah berganti menjadi registered to.

SQLite Maestro is the premier SQLite admin tool for database management, control and development. Key features include:

  • Support for all SQLite versions 2.8 and 3.x.y
  • Easy database object management
  • Database Designer
  • Data management: editing, grouping, sorting and filtering abilities
  • Handy SQL Editor with code folding and multi-threading
  • Visual Query Builder with support for subqueries and UNIONS
  • Working with remote SQLite databases via HTTP tunnel
  • Data export/import to/from the most popular formats
  • Powerful BLOB Viewer/Editor
Password :
Download SQLite Maestro Full Crack

PhpDesigner v7.2.5 Full Keygen

Seorang web progammer tentu membutuhkan aplikasi web editor yang handal, mudah dan ringan untuk digunakan. Nah, Mungkin sobat blogger bisa menggunakan Php Designer v7.2.5 Full Keygen ini sebagai alternativ dari dreamweaver yang besar ukurannya.

PhpDesigner 7 membantu anda dalam membuat, mengedit, menganalisa, debugging file-file PHP, HTML, CSS dan JavaScript ditambah bahasa lain!

phpDesigner 7 tidak hanya bekerja pada PHP saja tetapi juga berkerja untuk JavaScript frameworks jQuery, Ext JS, YUI, Dojo, MooTools and Prototype!

  • Feature loaded but still fast and intuitive to use and learn!
  • Full-blown PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript editor!
  • Advanced code tip and code completion with OOP!
  • Debug and profile your PHP scripts with Xdebug!
  • Work with all PHP- and popular JavaScript frameworks!
  • Work with files over FTP/SFTP and TortoiseSVN support!
Setelah selesai coding php, kita juga bisa langsung melihat hasilnya dengan cara klik "run".

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Download Php Designer v7.2.5 Full Keygen

Visual Basic 6 Enterprise Full Version

Visual Basic 6 Enterprise
Berikut penjelasan singkat tentang vb yang saya kutip dari wikipedia. Microsoft Visual Basic (sering disingkat sebagai VB saja) merupakan sebuah bahasa pemrograman yang menawarkan Integrated Development Environment (IDE) visual untuk membuat program perangkat lunak berbasis sistem operasi Microsoft Windows dengan menggunakan model pemrograman (COM).

Visual Basic merupakan turunan bahasa pemrograman BASIC dan menawarkan pengembangan perangkat lunak komputer berbasis grafik dengan cepat.

Beberapa bahasa skrip seperti Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) dan Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), mirip seperti halnya Visual Basic, tetapi cara kerjanya yang berbeda.

INFO : File saya pecah menjadi 2 bagian, untuk menggabungkannya, anda bisa menggunakan aplikasi FSJ (File Splite n Joiner)

Download Visual Basic 6 Enterprise Full Version :
Part 1 | Part 2 ||

Excel Password Unlocker v4.0.2.3 Full Crack

Buat sobat blogger yang sudah lama request aplikasi buat menjebol password excel, mungkin hari ini adalah hari keberuntungan anda, karena pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mencoba share Excel Password Unlocker v4.0.2.3 Full Crack.

Excel Password Unlocker v4.0.2.3 - A professional and secure Excel password recovery software. Excel Password Unlocker is designed to recover Excel password. With this software, you are able to recover Excel password and open locked Excel document again. You can never worry about being locked out of the password-protected Excel files. Moreover, the compact interface and high Excel password recovery speed make it easy and fast to use.

Cara aktivasi Excel Password Unlocker v4.0.2.3 :

  1. Instal Excel Password Unlocker v4.0.2.3
  2. Copy dan paste file crack Excel Password Unlocker v4.0.2.3
  3. Jalankan Excel Password Unlocker v4.0.2.3
  4. Klik menu Help, klik register.
  5. Masukan serial asal (suka-suka sobat blogger)
  6. Selesai
System Requirements:
  • Support Microsoft Windows 2000, NT, XP, Vista, Server 2003/2008, or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • 1 GHz processor (2.4 GHz is recommended)
  • 512 MB of RAM (1 GB is recommended)
  • 60 MB of free hard disk space
Password :
Download Excel Password Unlocker v4.0.2.3 Full Crack

Activator Visio 2010 Premium | Solusi Aktivasi Visio 2010 Premium

Buat sobat blogger yang sudah pernah order Microsoft Office 2010 di xp-store, namun sesudah menginstall Microsoft visio 2010 premium di suruh meng aktivasi, jangan khawatir, karena saya akan share Activator Visio 2010 Premium yang dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut.
Activator Visio 2010 Premium
Untuk menggunakan Activator Visio 2010 Premium ini tidaklah sulit, nanti sobat blogger akan menemuan menu-menu yang cukup user friendly. Oiya, Activator Visio 2010 Premium ini tidak hanya untuk mengaktivasi visio 2010 saja, namun bisa digunakan juga untuk Microsoft Office 2010.
Activator Visio 2010 Premium

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Download Activator Visio 2010 Premium

SysTools PDF Unlocker v3.1 Full Crack

Buat sobat blogger yang sudah request aplikasi untuk menghilangkan password pada file .PDF, mungkin bisa mencoba aplikasi yang bernama SysTools PDF Unlocker v3.1 Full Crack ini.

Use SysTools PDF Unlocker tool, which is one of the best PDF restriction remover tools, and perform the following functions:

  • Unlock PDF for printing
  • Unlock PDF for editing
  • Unlock PDF for copying
  • Unlock PDF for extracting
SysTools PDF Unlocker v3.1Features :
Remove Owner Passwords:
  • Use our SysTools PDF Unlocker software to remove ‘Owner’ passwords from protected PDF files.
Perform Functions:
  • Remove restrictions on printing, editing, copying & extracting from PDF files protected by “Owner” passwords. (To remove restrictions from PDF files protected by “User” password, you should have the right to do so or you must know that password).
Most Versions Supported:
  • SysTools PDF Unlocker tool supports most Adobe Acrobat versions (up to 9, even with 128-bit or 256-bit encryption) and is compatible with most Windows versions (98, ME, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, and Windows 7).
NB : Untuk kinerja nya belum sempat saya uji coba, namun file crack berkerja dengan baik (full version).

Password :
Download SysTools PDF Unlocker v3.1 Full Crack (Enterupload)
Download SysTools PDF Unlocker v3.1 Full Crack (4shared)

SlySoft AnyDVD HD Full | Aplikasi Buat Remove Proteksi CD/DVD

AnyDVD HD comes with same functionality as AnyDVD, but with additional features for full Blu-ray and HD DVD support, including decryption of Blu-ray (BD+ and AACS) and HD DVD (AACS) movies.

any dvd hd
Features Blu-Ray :
  • Same features as regular AnyDVD
  • Removes encryption (AACS) from Blu-ray media.
  • Removes BD+ copy protection from Blu-ray media.
  • Removes region codes from Blu-ray media.
  • Watch movies over digital display connection, without HDCP-compliant graphics card and without HDCP-compliant display.
  • The "must have" utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.
  • Provides its own Universal Disk Format (UDF) reader, no need to install 3rd party filesystem. Discs which cannot be read by Windows can be copied using the AnyDVD ripper.
Features HD DVD :
  • Same features as regular AnyDVD
  • Removes encryption (AACS) from HD DVDs
  • Watch movies over digital display connection, without HDCP-compliant graphics card and without HDCP-compliant display.
  • Playback of discs on the PC with PowerDVD Ultra which otherwise do not run.
  • Removes user prohibitions, you can select the language and subtitle track without going through the disc's menu.
  • Removes parental restrictions.
  • Allows you to remove or skip Studio Logos and warning messages.
  • With "magic file replacement™" you can remaster any commercial movie disc using simple XML scripts.
  • The "must have" utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.
  • Provides its own Universal Disk Format (UDF) reader, no need to install 3rd party filesystem. Discs which cannot be read by Windows can be copied using the AnyDVD ripper.
System Requirements :
  • IBM-compatible PC with a minimum 2 GHz Pentium-class microprocessor and 512 MB RAM
  • Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000 (32 & 64 bit)
  • 4 MB hard disk space
  • For Blu-ray or HD DVD media, a Blu-ray or HD DVD compliant drive is required.
  • For HD decryption and ripping, the minimum OS is Windows 2000 (latest SP).
  • PC player software usually requires Windows XP SP2 as minumum OS.
Cara install :
Aplikasi AnyDVD HD yang saya share ini sudah full version dan silent install (tidak ada proses/step next, next, and finish), anda tinggal klik 2x file .exe nya dan jalankan aplikasi via shortcut yang ada di desktop, untuk lebih lanjut silahkan anda baca file info.txt. Jangan lupa di uncheck automatic updatenya di bagian setting.

Password :
Download SlySoft AnyDVD HD Full | Aplikasi Buat Remove Proteksi CD/DVD

WirelessKeyView v1.36 | Lupa Password Wifi?

Sebenarnya banyak cara yang bisa kita lakukan jikan kita lupa dengan password login wifi. Kita bisa login ke router wifi tersebut via browser. tapi password login ke router saya juga lupa atau saya bukan admin jaringannya?? Reset aja routernya sob, semua akan kembali ke pengaturan bawaan pabriknya (default). ahahha.

Bagaiamana?? mudahkan?? Cara di atas ialah hanya salah satu dari ribuan cara yang bisa kita gunakan, namun kurang efisien pastinya. Cara yang paling mudah dan tidak ribet ialah menggunakan aplikasi yang bernama WirelessKeyView v1.36. Kita hanya perlu menjalankan WirelessKeyView v1.36, nanti akan muncul network name beserta password wifi baik berupa hex atau ASCII.


Password :
Download WirelessKeyView v1.36

cara menghilangkan tanda obeng / edit cepat pada blogger

sebenarnya sudah bisa disikapi dengan masuk ke terus pilih setting n pada pilihan tampilkan editing cepat pilih tidak.. tapi lagi nich hehe.. cara itu juga kurang efektif untuk menghilangkan tang dan obeng ini..

dan ini ada obat yang bener2 ampuh untuk menghilangkan obeng dan tang atau tampilan editing cepat ini

1. masuk atau login ke blogger kamu
2. masuk ke tata letak --> edit html --> centang kolom expand widget template
3. cari kode ini


4. copy n paste kode dibawah ini tepat diatas kode tersebut


5. save

advance system care


free download complete dictionary full version + key activation

now we do not need anymore confusion in deciphering English, because in our meeting this time, I will discuss about a mobile application is useful to translate or translation or English to Indonesia Indonesia to English.

and as a bonus I will also provide full code versionnya!

direct services download the full dictionary application here

and code: njoule

kamus lengkap pro full version / complete dictionary full


how to use click here

surefire way to quickly get the girls

Simply do the things below 
to enlarge 
your chances of getting 
new boyfriend. 
Here are tips on how fast powerful 
The new boyfriend is as 
the following:


Originally done with caution, 
Social networking sites can be 
looking for the most effective arena mate. 
Do not forget to attach your photos 
the most interesting. 
How could meet potential 
boyfriend if you only 
locked himself in his room while 
watching television? Accept the invitation road 
from friends and meet 
your event invitation 


This tactic always used the 
ladies' man is staring at 
other person's eyes. 
Chat with strangers 
Whether in supermarkets, on buses, or 
in the doctor's waiting room, do not 
Feel free to talk to people in 
next to you. This will make 
You look friendly, open, and approachable.
smarts select the topic and stop 
if the other person talks 
looks disturbed.

"Ready to appear" 

No need excessive grooming, 
but try your appearance 
always neat and clean at all 
time. You'll never know 
when it will meet a man or 
attractive woman. better 
ready-prepared from scratch, right?

"do not be stingy" 

if you want dapet girlfriend, then royallha little crush on the man you are, because all the guys / girls, like the same people who splurge, but if for boys, girls do not ever ngarepin ditraktirin s0b yes, what the world says ntar.? H.. H.. H..

"Loosen requirements" 

You want a girlfriend whose height 
170cm, 169cm minimum, nose, skin 
white, rich, good singing, 
and professional photo model. 
Naturally, if you do not also 
find jodohyang fit. 
Loosen your requirements 
and try out with 
type of guy / girl who is different. 
Who found out that during this 
You look for the wrong type. 
Hopefully these tips powerful quick way 
above may be a new boyfriend 
useful to you all

good luck


how to love more love

This trick actually has a lot in the life of a playboy / playgirl so that the he be kelepek - kelepek
so who want to know the tricks please refer to ..!
sometimes praise what we think is trivial, but taukah you?. kalu compliment that can make him feel so fly ...!!
how: praise him when he's doing something that we ask or when he is doing something right.
but remember do not sering2x we praise him ..! because it will lead to something negative, think of it as a compliment tu a special gift that we give to the him.
Intimate caresses very important in a relationship as well as in domestic life. Long-running relationship that sometimes makes people forget to give a soft touch on her partner.
it will make a relationship will feel less harmony and lack of affection.

3. Curious
how to make him the more curious, it's been a lot done by the playboy / playgirl se world,
it is a little hard on the way to do for the beginner, because remember kitanya own impatience.
way, we must keep the attitude in front of him, do not show our ugliness, a little hard to get, we sekali2x slightly away or did not meet him, this meant that the he be recalled back memories we used to do with the him.
attention is the key to success for him the more pity, but most of us do not know how to pay attention, remember strictly forbidden to give undue attention, besides causing him suspicious, it will also result in something that does not want, he will feel we are not valuable, and worse he's going to take advantage of the attention we give them.
If it is hard to get time alone, it's time to plan activities together. Suppose that register at the same gym. The average man is difficult to separate the sport.
When we took her to the sport then the he would be more excited. Activities done together can get closer to each other. conduct joint activities can release oxytocin, a hormone that makes a person more closely and believe.
6. DO NOT silence
When angry most men / women are often silent action. the he could be upset because we squelched. applies when we are angry and cold on the him, it would make him feel neglected so that he becomes stressed.
For that, do not silence him for too long. Calm yourself, and start talking about our problems with the him.
yes .. good luck!
My best regards, Rifai
ok ..! how tips from me! mudah2xn beneficial for all of us who are in love.

how to control anger

Attack friend yesterday asked me about howdo we always think positive and stay in control of anger.
but to be able to think positive we have to control my anger.we will never unusual to think positive when we are angry,(So ​​remember ya, we rich linkage is similar to defecate ga ga we may urinate ...!)so if we pay in public lavatories dobblehehehehehe!
before that I'll explain a little bit about EMOTIONon emotion dasrnya terbegi into 2 kinds of negative emotions and positive emotions.
- Examples of which include negative emotions (type of emotion that is not good), namely:


- While including positive emotions (the good kind of emotion), namely:

but that requires the processing and control is a negative emotion.this time I will discuss a solution to control one type of negative emotion is anger
anger is an emotion that's hard for us to control,for it should resist the emotion with the tips below:
1. Worship
Ablution will reduce the heat your body / our bodies, because when angry, the body temperature will rise much higher than in normal times.And prayer will make your breathing becomes slower and more relaxed. It's a powerful way to reduce the psychological pressure and stress.
** WARNING **before reading the tips below, there is a need I remind you!- The tips below have me join with hypnosis that I have learned, so to try it while reading peraktekkan tips2x directly below.- Follow all the tips below, and do the opposite.- If ready nod of the head- Now continue to read and understand more deeply and begin to feel relaxed.- Remember, read it leisurely and calm, understand and absorb it properly

2. BREATH PULLwhen we're angry at the scene, it seems unlikely we ablution, and PRAYER, so pull dalam2x breath and exhale through the mouth, how it works and I use and I often combine it with RELAX
3. Relaxationas I told above, RELAX or quiet is a way of reply potent when in combination with breathing. way: when the body breathe and start rileksasikan'kan our hearts, and when you breathe out imagine all loads and all negative emotions out of our mouths.
4. Close your eyesdo it again and RELAX BREATH PULL Closing her eyes, when we feel more calm open our eyes
5. FORGIVEand finally after we do the breathing with relaxation in combination with earlier, our emotions will have subsided, so that selananjutnya we do is forgive, to forgive, our mind will become calmer and no longer in overload with events that have made us angry.
now how perasaanny? easy right?

6 TIPS bonus nethere is a very extreme way of who I use,I learned this when I saw someone, who after crying tiba2x smile just because it's so funny / wonderful reply.the question is whether we lucky people??turns out the way; easy, by using our funny memories of previous or funny Kenan of our own when we are angry, and the wedding we immediately laugh, we immediately think of a funny hal2x or recall events that have made us laugh.

WARNING- Emotion of anger is also important for our balance, so to let it happen beberapahal- Some of the tips above contains hypnosis, so there efeksamping namely: our brains become more intelligent, because become accustomed to listen and understand something.
ok, so first of our discussion today 

good luck

how to cure a chronic hepatitis

at our meeting this time I will discuss how to cure hepatitis.

This is my experience and prescription drugs that I use to treat liver - chronic hepatitis A are:


net blood-flower moon


It has been proven * with recipes that I started to recover and heal mnyatakan leb'a results.

Amminn ...!

good luck


cara mendapatkan uang dari perogram pay per preview (ppp)

at our meeting this evening, I will explain how to earn money through our favorite bloggers or site using PPP or pay-per-program preview

PPP or pay-per-preview is perogram that allows us to earn money by displaying ads from the internet's advertisers / advertiser.
while we are following the PPP program was called as a publisher

do not have to be specially persaratan publisher. The most important is we have the media for publishing the ad, such as media blogs, websites, or anything else.

below some advertisers that offer PPP program that I follow

- Shareapic (PPP program that pays from the pictures that we upload and see other people)
- Adfly (PPP program that pays dati that we list our link and click on others)

interested in following the PPP program?
Please click Shareapic and adfly if you want to register

good luck


how to remove / delete blogger navbar

at our meeting this time,
while in the flush of cold rain, the most delicious is our favorite bloggers permutations.
hehehe ..!
this time I will discuss how to remove the navbar, but actually more precise in the call to remove navbar.
because by doing this we will remove the navbar aways.
heheheh ...!

please follow the step by step below:
1. Login to your blogger account
2. On the Dashboard page Choose Layout - Edit HTML
3. Do not forget to check the box to Expand Widget Templates
4. Find the code
5. Tambahakan code <! - -> Or above code ]]> b: skin>
6. save tampele

there will be a warning to delete the widget

7. Please select delete

good luck
